Tag: South Bruny

Day Trippin’

Jetty BeachI have finally found my Christmas groove!  After the chaos of Christmas shopping last week, I loaded the kids in the car nice and early on Saturday morning and caught the 9:30am ferry to Bruny Island.  My sister’s and brother-in-law were camping at Jetty Beach on South Bruny which provided a perfect day trip.  Nick decided to stay at home and have a ‘sleep-in’ after his work drinks on Friday night.

I love day trips!  The anticipation of getting out of the house, packing up all your bits and bobs that you need for travelling with wee ones and selecting the perfect driving tunes.  My music genre has changed somewhat since I have two backseat drivers now and find Playschool and Frozen are often on high rotation!

We had a perfect drive to South Bruny, marvelling at the beautiful landscape and belting out a few nursery rhymes!  We got into camp, had a cuppa and then ventured to the superb beach where Pops and James played for hours.  A long walk and more cups of tea, I was back on the 5:30pm ferry with two sun-kissed, exhausted kids.  It was a perfect escape from the pre-Christmas craziness.

Jetty Beach - Bruny Island - 56


Jetty Beach - Bruny Island - 07


Jetty Beach - Bruny Island - 12


Jetty Beach - Bruny Island - 25


Jetty Beach - Bruny Island - 35

Jetty Beach - Bruny Island - 41



Jetty Beach

Jetty Beach - Bruny Island - 53

On Sunday we had lunch with Nick’s parents on their boat at Triworks – a quick trip from Hobart.  Nick and Poppy jumped in for a swim, we ate beautiful food and enjoyed the balmy conditions.  xx

Captain James


Triworks Lunch - 05

Triworks Lunch - 04


This Boating Life

Poppy on Australia DayWe have had another amazing long weekend away on the boat and at the risk of providing similar content to previous posts, I just can’t help but share more photos with you!

Our time was spent with our friends at South Bruny Island and incorporated lots of water play, flying kites, beach BBQ’s, swimming, sleeping and eating. Nick and Brett went for a dive on Saturday and returned with abalone and crayfish!  Australia Day was spent on Butlers Beach in glorious conditions.

Poppy flying her kite

Needless to say, my time on the boat is not always ‘smooth sailing’.  These are some of the quirks I persevere with:

  • It is a nightmare getting Poppy into bed on the boat, let alone for her to go to sleep before 9 pm!  (This topic is a blog post for another day)
  • James hates wearing his PFD (Personal Flotation Device) and every time we go ashore he bursts into tears and cries most of the time he is on the beach
  • If we move at night the anchor winch is so noisy it has been known to wake both Poppy and James, after hours of getting (her) to sleep
  • When pulling the dinghy back in the water on Saturday afternoon, I got oil on the sleeve my cashmere jumper.  Mental note – wear old clothes!
  • Bless our little Tagus for sometimes she leaks and my bed gets wet
  • Two children, a dog, Nick and I crammed into one small space can push the most even-tempered to become ‘snappy Tom‘.

Despite these woes, there is nothing better to wake up with my family on a blue sky day, crank up the tunes, cook up some pancakes and see Poppy jump off the back of the boat into her Dad’s arms!  Bring on the many more trips, wet bed and all!  Xx

Poppy flying her kite

Beach Babes

Brett's Crayfish

Butlers Beach

Poppy's Hand

Mistraal & Iverus
