
Home Sweet Home

Angus Cattle

It turned out that poor Poppy had a ruptured ear infection so it was no wonder she was out of sorts last week.  A good dose of antibiotics has done the trick and she is (almost) back to her sprightly self.  She laid low with her Dad over the weekend, whilst James and I went back up to Hagley to spend time with my Mum and Dad.

Even though I am firmly ensconced in my life in Hobart, there is something about returning ‘home’.  I feel this every time I go back to our family farm … this beautiful place where I was very lucky to grow up.

I went for a wander yesterday morning and it brought back many memories of my childhood.  Of the treehouse perched in the big oak tree, to the maze of cubby houses in the hay shed, to the bike jump built on the side of the dam wall that seemed so ‘Evil Knieval’ at the time and now through adult eyes is nothing more than a mere rise on the surface and to learning to drive when you were still in single digits.

I can’t wait to share all of these adventures with Poppy and James and to be able to give them the ‘rough and tumble’ experience of farm life!

Mill Farm

Mill Farm

Mill Farm

Mill Farm



The Old Milking Shed

Brick Detail

Mill Farm

Mill Farm


Mill Farm

Mill Farm

Mill Farm

One comment on “Home Sweet Home

  1. Tim
    Monday, 11 November 2013 at 2:53 pm #

    Ah the farm life! Love that photo of the sheep, the angled warm light, clouds and well…sheep! So rural and so peaceful. I hope Pop’s is on the mend.

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